Milothey/them14Cat WerebeastMilo is the protagonist of Aetherdrop. They are autistic and tend to respond to things flatly or dryly. Quest says they're the hero of the Aetherdrop Prophecy, but they suspect he's not telling them the full truth. Regardless, they don't really care enough to question him.
Questhe/him??? (Adult)Raccoon(?) AetherlingQuest acts as Milo's enigmatic guide throughout Aetherdrop. He enjoys telling jokes and doesn't seem to take anything too seriously. His jovial manner hides the fact that he may not be as trustworthy as he seems.
Marzipan (Marzi)she/her20sSnake AetherlingMarzi is one of the last remaining denizens of the Mayor's Manor. She used to be Aether Town's gardener - back when they had a garden (and a town). Now she mostly roams the halls alone, occasionally running into her crush, Cricket, and the mean-tempered Theo.
Cricketshe/they20sGoat AetherlingFormerly a scientist, Cricket's current "job" includes shooing Quest away from the Manor - and not much else. Her hobbies include bullying her former lab partner, Theo, and flirting with the easily-flustered Marzipan. She's not afraid to throw a punch if needed (or if they want to), and has cracked Theo's head on more than one occasion.
Theodore (Theo)he/him20sAetherlingTheo went a little nuts after the Mayor showed up. Cricket says he used to be worth working with - but anyone who talks to him now would find that hard to believe. Despite his big talk and desire for power, Theo's flask head makes him vulnerable to physical attacks.
THE MAYORhe/him[AGE NOT AVAILABLE]Aetherling(?)The tyrant of Forest Town, the Mayor didn't hesitate to absorb the souls of anyone who opposed his sudden reign. He's really only a mayor in name; he'd never give those he subjugates a chance to fight back.